Monday, July 25, 2011

Featured Hike of the Week: Cathedral Rock!

Some time ago, I was on a hike that had a view and had a peace that most hikes don't have in that area. The hike was a hike to a point on Cathedral Rock in Sedona, AZ. It's a short hike of about 1.5 miles round trip with a 600 ft elevation climb. Here's a website that includes more information on Cathedral Rock, including how to get there. It has steep parts here and there and can be a challenge to the older or light of heart crowd. The main steep part is the beginning of the hike up the mountain where it was mostly a climb up a sandstone slope. Now a days, holes have been made to make it easier, but it still is a little intense. The trail is not necessarily hard after that, but has points on it where you got to be a tad vigilant. It's a beautiful climb up with lots of hidden wonders here and there. Flowers bloom and animals roam plus the rock has great formations. When you reach the top, you reach an area with a fantastic view! Just outrageously beautiful with a great panoramic view of the Sedona country side. The area is in a "gap" in the rock which are also known as saddle points.

Cathedral Rock is also famous for the "Vortex" that is located on it. A vortex (in summery) is an area of extreme peace which can  help you connect with your inner self. Later, I'll do a much more in depth article on that subject! I can tell you I witness the sensational peace there, it was amazing! Just sit down, close your eyes, and listen to the world that engulfs you. Breath, but don't breath. Feel, but don't feel. Hear, but don't hear. Just let it happen and you'll see.

Like always, safety is a factor of hiking! Never go alone, and if you do, make sure you tell someone where you are going and what time you should be back. Accidents happen, trust me. You don't want to be the guy who had to cut his arm off now, do ya? Always have your water. Since this is a smaller hike, one bottle would do, but always one up so two bottles. Bring a small snack for an energy boost as well. The sun is on that location pretty much all the time in the summer time, so bring sun block. 

Here's a pic of me (about 3 years ago) after meditating for a bit and just enjoying the view:

Nice, eh? But not as nice as being there! Check it out and I promise no disappointments! I'll do an article on Sedona later so you can plan a day or a week or whatever there. Cathedral Rock is one of my favorites in Sedona and I hope you will consider it! 

Happy Adventures!
Alex "Vegas" Roberts

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Purgatory Mountain Biking!

The Mountain Biking in Purgatory is perfect for all types! From a simple, stable ride to a small establishment down the road on a unpaved path to a strenuous, expert ride that was part of a competition. They got a wide range of difficulties so choose the one you think is best for you, don't over do yourself now. The trail I rode was known as "Paul's Park Loop" which was about 6.4 Miles with about a 2/5 up incline and then down hill from there. It's really rough in the last part, remember, broke my clavicle, so be careful and ride safely. Rocks are everywhere on the trail and drop offs are left and right. Surprises are, of course, surprising so make sure it doesn't surprise too much and be vigilant about them. To make it down to the bottom the funnest way, go on the Diggler trail! I loved it even with the freshly broken clavicle! It's the best way to go down, practically only. Here is a map of the trails:

Here is the descriptions of each trail. Read wisely and plan! Planning is very important and I highly recommend that you ride with at least one other person for safety purposes. Helmets are also required, people! No arguing now, it's for your own good. Who cares how you look when riding up that mountain. No matter what, you'll look bad ass! Prices range are as follow:

Mountain Bike Uplift

Take your bike with you to the top and access over 50 miles of bike trails, from scenic novice loops to the challenging 1990 World Mt. Bike Championship Trail. Perfect for exploring the spectacular Hermosa Valley, or getting in some screaming downhill.  
We urge our guests to always RIDE WITH A PARTNER and wear a helmet. And don't forget your camera!

2011 Summer Activities
Weekends and Holidays: May 28th - June 5th
Open Daily: June 10th - August 21st
Weekends and Holidays: August 27th - September 25th

Single Uplift $
All-day Uplift $

Mountain Bike Rentals - Adult Basic

2 hours$30
half day$40
full day$50
full day uplift add-on$25
one uplift$8


2 hours$15
half day$20
one uplift$8
full day$25
all day uplift add-on$25
Add Ons-
Helmet$5 per day. Required.

Prices from 

When deciding on how long you want to rent, think about your personal level. Make sure you're not up too long that injury can occur and they won't look for you for another 6 hours or too little that they worry about you when really you're just enjoying yourself. It's a way to save money if you choose correctly and also to warn them if something does go wrong. For the lift ticket, I would just buy the one time use if you're just gonna bike that day, it saves a bundle as you can see. 

It's a great thing to do and believe me when I say it! It's actually not too expensive and it's even good for you! Try it and then tell me how it was cause I bet you'll have the same reaction ;)

Happy Adventures!
Alex "Vegas" Roberts

P.S. To see some pictures of the bike ride, check the "Pictures" page and find the [Biking; Purgatory, Durango, Colorado] tag on each picture!

My Latest Adventure: Purgatory/Durango Colorado!

Through the days of July 8 to July 15, I went on my yearly summer retreat to a beautiful place somewhere in SW United States. My Father usually takes me on one when conditions in finances are correct. This year for the first half, we went to somewhere not directly in the South West; Colorado. This was my first time there and boy was I in awe! The first time I saw the blue skies with the snow capped, green mountains of the Rockies brought a distinct smirk. The trees and the grass and just the pure green was something totally different then the usual South West. I liked it, no, I LOVED it! We stayed in this ski resort known as "Purgatory"...a great name if I may say. The place was filled with things to do and had views to die for! Be careful though, you may actually die on some of the adventures they have there if you aren't careful ;) Really, just enjoy the area from either relaxing in your condo/room/whatever drinking a nice cup of coffee or either a cold beer to mountain biking on the trails that are located in the resting ski slopes in the summer time. More info on this location can be found on the "Locations" page.

 The resort is just past a very nice town known as Durango. It's about a 15 minute to 25 minute drive between each other. People who like small towns with lots of great restaurants will enjoy this place! There's an excellent main street with lots of amazing shopping. The plentiful restaurants that need to be researched to pick the best one even if all of them are good one way or another. The town is great and makes a great stop for things you need or want when staying where I stayed. Here is a map just to show where Durango Mountain Resort i.e. Purgatory is located (Red) compared to where Durango is located (Black):

 Other towns near (somewhat) include Silverton, Ouray, and a little further, Telluride. Visit them all and make some time for it's a beautiful yet long drive. Bring a 4X4 too, there are a lot of trails to go off roading that can show some secrets of the mountains like ghost towns or mines or even a short cut to Telluride. Careful on that drive though, it's a tough one! 

While at Purgatory, I went mountain biking and rode on the "Paul's Park Loop". It's a great long loop with lots to see and great views. It's somewhat hard because of the uphill and the altitude mixing with you. If you go, keep hydrated, have a snack, and don't be stupid; always be prepared. I for one, had an accident that broke my left clavicle. A hill surprised me and had an abundance of rocks, hit one and fell off hard. I was also in a hurry because we were being chased by a wicked storm! Wasn't even half way down and I had to ride back or I might have been killed by what could have been fatal lightning. Crazy ride, but certainly worth it!!! I haven't had that much exhilarating fun in a long time! I already told you what else I did, that was the scenic drive through those small towns. You'll enjoy it, trust me. The afternoons usually include drinking a cup of tea and watching storms roll in. This might be the first time I can say I'm glad the storms came to a get away for they were beautiful and just amazing! Everything about this trip was great and I completely recommend it. Check it out if you are in need of some fun, you'll thank me later ;) I'll post more detailed works on the mountain biking and drive later just in case you want to try!

Happy Adventures!
Alex "Vegas" Roberts 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Major Update!

As you can see...I have overhauled my blog once more!!!! The Picture page has pictures and the Locations page has a location! A new design also which seemed to work more! Hope you guys like it and keep on reading!!!

Happy Adventures!
Alex "Vegas" Roberts

Hiking...why it's so great!

Hiking has been a passion for me for years now. I started when I was about 4 and now I'm 17! Do the Math...that's 13 years ladies and gentlemen. I will most likely never stop hiking until I die. People always ask me though..."Why do you love hiking so much?" That simple question has a complicated answer. I love hiking for multiple reasons! Exercise for one, it's a "simple" walk. It's not hard, but it is. Even with the paradoxical reasoning, you know what I mean if you hiked before. It gets that heart pumping, those legs moving, and even in strenuous cases, your arms lifting. It's also that scenery you see. Nothing is better than seeing mountains up close and personal or looking down a valley that you just climbed up. It's also those little secrets you find on the way like an untouched meadow or that little waterfall from the melted snow from the peaks. Hiking is beautiful and shows you the world no better way. There is also that sense of accomplishment! I mean, come on! Nothing is better than finishing a 4-mi hike straight up a mountain with 2100 elevation climb (real hike by the way, talk about it later)! The most complicated reason is also the best reason. There is a spiritual binding with you and nature when you hike. You feel like you are the earth and you see like you are the earth and so on and so fourth. You just embrace your surroundings like you never before. You don't feel human don't feel you feel almost like your eyes and your mind are just there. Those are my reasons why I hike, but your reasons don't need to be the same at all. It could be the get-away or the connection with the fellow hikers or whatever...your reason is your reason!

Happy Hiking!
Alex "Vegas" Roberts

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello my fellow adventurers!

I decided to start an awesome new blog about my recommendations of hiking, camping, and more! I love the outdoors and I want to share my love by showing you some nice things to do, places to go, and maybe a secret or two ;) I hope I get followed by lots of people for I'll do this no matter what! I'll start the main post by tomorrow! Alex out!