Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hiking...why it's so great!

Hiking has been a passion for me for years now. I started when I was about 4 and now I'm 17! Do the Math...that's 13 years ladies and gentlemen. I will most likely never stop hiking until I die. People always ask me though..."Why do you love hiking so much?" That simple question has a complicated answer. I love hiking for multiple reasons! Exercise for one, it's a "simple" walk. It's not hard, but it is. Even with the paradoxical reasoning, you know what I mean if you hiked before. It gets that heart pumping, those legs moving, and even in strenuous cases, your arms lifting. It's also that scenery you see. Nothing is better than seeing mountains up close and personal or looking down a valley that you just climbed up. It's also those little secrets you find on the way like an untouched meadow or that little waterfall from the melted snow from the peaks. Hiking is beautiful and shows you the world no better way. There is also that sense of accomplishment! I mean, come on! Nothing is better than finishing a 4-mi hike straight up a mountain with 2100 elevation climb (real hike by the way, talk about it later)! The most complicated reason is also the best reason. There is a spiritual binding with you and nature when you hike. You feel like you are the earth and you see like you are the earth and so on and so fourth. You just embrace your surroundings like you never before. You don't feel human anymore...you don't feel you anymore...you feel almost like your eyes and your mind are just there. Those are my reasons why I hike, but your reasons don't need to be the same at all. It could be the get-away or the connection with the fellow hikers or whatever...your reason is your reason!

Happy Hiking!
Alex "Vegas" Roberts

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